Both the sun and Pluto spend most of this week traveling through the final degrees of Capricorn. Then on Saturday morning, the sun enters brilliant, eccentric Aquarius. Consider the month ahead a time to experiment with different ways of expressing yourself. Where serious Capricorn season encouraged you to stay faithful to tradition, Aquarius now invites innovative thinking, even dreaming, to create something utterly original. On Saturday evening, Pluto, planet of transformation and rebirth, joins the sun in the idealistic sign of the water bearer. Pluto is the slowest-moving of all the planets, spending up to 30 years at a time in each sign. So when it reaches a new one, it’s a big deal. Its entry into Aquarius marks a major cultural shift, an opportunity to move away from systems that are no longer working and try building new ones. In the meantime, find the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign, below. |